To The Law Firm Owner

Who’s Tired Of The Revenue Rollercoaster:

Are You Just 30 Days Away From A Law

Firm That’s More Predictable, More

Profitable, And Easier to Run?

Get Instant Access to The Law Firm Growth Machine For Just $9.95, And Discover The Simple Approach That’s Helping Law Firm Owners Trade “Chaos” For “Confidence” In Their Firms.

My name is Kerri Coby White, the co-founder of KerriJames, a consulting partner exclusively for law firms looking to grow.

Along with my business partner, James Brooks, we have combined decades of experience working with law firms.

And after spending those years working with hundreds of law firm owners, we’ve come to see why a staggering number of lawyers are struggling.

Struggling professionally, personally, emotionally, and financially.

Why? It’s quite simple.

You’ve Got The Law Degree…
But You’re Left To Figure Out The MBA By Yourself.

You spend thousands of dollars and years of your life working for a degree that teaches you how to be a great lawyer. And it works – you’re probably also like a lot of the lawyers we speak to

in that respect.

Competent. Knowledgeable. Reliable. And damn good at what you do.

Unfortunately, you’re probably also like a lot of those same lawyers when it comes to your life as a business owner:

  • Glued to your cell phone, feeling chronically insecure about when, (or sometimes “if”), your next case is going to come through;

  • Working long hours in your business to keep the plates spinning – even when you know you should be at your kids’ wrestling match, or enjoying date night with your partner, or simply just taking a break;

  • Re-inventing your growth strategy every month in response to rising ad costs (which are notoriously high in the legal space anyway…);

  • Spending a tremendous amount of time in front of your computer playing the role of “lawyer inside of your own business,” rather than actual “owner of a law firm;”

  • And struggling to plan ahead in both your business and personal life, even 2 or 3 months in advance, because, honestly – who even knows how many cases (or lack of them) you’re going to have by then?

Very rarely does “being a good lawyer”

go hand in hand with “being a good business owner.”

And, It’s Not Your Fault Either.

That’s why, on this page, I want to share with you the book that I wish every lawyer was given at the very start of their career. A book designed to help you grow your firm with more certainty…

More consistency…

And through a simple roadmap for growth that has been success-proven through years of trial and error.

And no – this isn’t some big, daunting textbook that’ll tell you everything you need to know about business, leaving you to sift through “what’s important for you” and “what’s not.”

Instead, I’ll give you a book containing a simple process for building the very thing that most law firms are missing which leaves their owners overworked, overwhelmed, and stuck indefinitely in the grips of yo-yo growth.

You can read this book in a weekend.

Then you can implement the systems in the book in the next 30 days.

And that solution is likely a lot simpler than you think…

So – what does that solution look like?

You Build Systems That Take Care Of The “Business” Side Of Things – So That You Can Focus On The “Law” Side Of Things.

Systems that mean:

  • You can capture incoming leads 24/7 without having to pick up the phone yourself, (even if it’s 9PM on a Saturday night, you’ve clocked off for the week, and you’re just trying to enjoy some time with friends and family);

  • You can choose to take on cases if you want, rather than needing to because the rest of your team is already swamped;

  • Whether you take on 2 new cases or 20, the business still runs smoothly and the quality of your clients’ experience stays high;

  • You don’t have to worry about rising marketing costs or unpredictable intake because your systems for finding, converting, and onboarding clients is almost completely automated;

  • You can look at your key numbers at a glance and instantly know where your systems need improving (and where those “low-hanging fruit” opportunities exist);

  • And you can go from “being a lawyer inside your own business” to “being the owner of a law firm” and finally have the kind of flexibility you thought would come with business ownership.

And although this might sound more complicated than it seems,

It’s really no different than using the phone in your pocket.

Or the laptop you work on.

Or even the remote control you use to switch channels on the TV.

For every button you press, there’s a predictable outcome from pressing that button.

And if you want to achieve a certain outcome, you know which buttons you need to press, and in what sequence.

Trouble is, most lawyers don’t even have that keyboard of buttons in front of them, let alone the knowledge of how to use them.

That’s why, inside The Law Firm Growth Machine, you’ll not only discover exactly how to build those systems into your business that create predictable outcomes…

You’ll Also Learn How To Use Those Systems To Create More Predictable, Consistent Growth For Your Firm.

You can get access to the digital version of The Law Firm Growth Machine, plus the book summary and audiobook version, inside the “digital pack” for just $9.95.

(Physical copies of the book are also available.)

The book also comes with 5 free bonus resources to help you implement the strategy inside even faster. So if you’re sick of trial-and-error growth strategies and feeling like you have to reinvent your firm every month just to stay afloat…

Or if you’re tired of fighting the fires of business growth while trying to juggle all the cases

under your purview…

Or if you’re just looking for a way to grow your firm with more certainty…

Then I’d invite you to pick up a digital copy of The Law Firm Growth Machine

for just $9.95 on this page:


The Law Firm Growth Machine

Revealing The Growth Secrets To Generating Your Firm’s Next 7 Figures…Fast!

Ready To Finally Trade Chaos and Confusion…For Certainty and Systems In Your Firm?

Yes! I Want This!

This is The ESSENTIAL Growth Strategy for…

  • Stressed-out law firm owners who’ve been “putting in the groundwork” for far too long now, without seeing the real rewards for their years of labor.

  • The stretched-thin law firm owner wondering how to make time for business growth when they don’t have a huge team, a huge budget, or any more hours in the day to devote to it.

  • The law firm owner looking to simplify and automate their processes without diminishing the standard of the service they’ve worked so hard to build.

  • The law firm struggling to compete with rising advertising costs and a more competitive market.

  • And the lawyer who wants to finally move from “practicing law inside their firm” to “building a successful law firm.”

Yes! I Want This!

Here’s What Other Have Said About Kerri and Her Ability to Help Law Firms Systemize & Grow:

“Bringing Kerri and her team into your firm is the easiest growth-inducing decision you'll make. Can't recommend them enough.”

Claire Cafritz

”She's data-obsessed, and she knows the metrics that MATTER.”

Byron Jones

“I've seen her work magic at law firms where they felt they had tried "everything" until they met her, and she turned the operations and growth curve around — straight up and to the right.”

Maddy Martin

“KerriJames has transformed our intake process into the success that we had only imagined. The systems that she has implemented to achieve the level of conversion that we see are unrivaled. Her marketing knowledge and expertise has taken our law firm to the next level.”

Lindsey Kelly

Kerri is an outstanding marketing executive for professional service companies. She utilizes her years as a gifted instructor, educational leader, and strong communicator to teach her customers how to transform their marketing strategies to create strong brand awareness and increased business.

John Messersmith

Kerri's ability to take the complicated and break it down into insightful and impactful concepts is remarkable. She has a unique talent of quickly, (but thoughtfully), finding the "why" in any strategic conversation, and she serves as a great teammate and a great leader. I am fortunate to work with her!

Chris Sill

Pick Up The Law Firm Growth Machine And Discover

  • How To Move From “Fighting Fires And Working In The Business” To “Focusing On Strategy And Working On The Business” with a flywheel growth approach called The Law Firm Growth Machine.

  • The Key To Implementing Self-Sufficient Systems Into Your Business That Create Consistent Growth, without having to get bogged down in complicated processes or endless team micro-management.

  • A Tried-And-Tested Suite Of Affordable, Technophobe-Friendly Tools To Help Automate Key Processes in your firm to ensure key growth opportunities can be tracked.

  • The 4-Part Engine We Use To Consistently Capture More Leads, Convert More Cases, And Keep More Clients – even on a small marketing budget.

  • A Simple And Proven Way To Grow Your Law Firm with less guesswork, less unpredictability, and less reliance on 12-hour+ days to make things work.

  • And A Step-By-Step Guide To Setting All Of This Up (and reaping the rewards) inside of

    30 days.

  • …And so much more.

Yes! I Want This!

Get Access to A Proven Way To Turn

Your Expertise Into A Thriving And

Satisfying Law Firm

You can get instant access to this “digital pack” of The Law Firm Growth Machine on this page.

You’ll get a digital copy of the book, as well as the book summary for rapid implementation, and an audio version to listen to wherever you are.

Access to the digital pack is just a one-time payment of $9.95.

Your access details will be delivered to your inbox immediately so that you can start building your growth machine right from the moment you purchase your copy.

(Physical copies of the book are also available.)

Inside the book, you’ll discover a proven method for not just accelerating the growth of your firm but doing so in a way that’s both predictable and peaceful.

It is based on the same principles that my business partner, James, and I apply to grow our own business and our clients’ practices, having spent over 2 decades with attorneys, seeing the good, the bad, and the ugly.…

If you’ve fallen out of love with your law firm and are perhaps feeling a little disillusioned at the many years (and the thousands of dollars you’ve spent building your firm), only to ask yourself, “Is this really what I signed up for?”...

…Then you’ll find a proven roadmap for transforming your firm into something that excites you and rewards you financially using the strategy inside The Law Firm Growth Machine.

Your purchase also includes 5 bonuses.

I know that might seem like information overload, but each of them are designed to make it even easier to implement the system I’ll share with you inside the book.

The bonuses come at NO additional cost with your order on this page.

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get Inside Your Digital Pack of The Law Firm Growth Machine

Digital Copy of The Law Firm Growth Machine

(Retail Value: $15.95)

How To Move From “Fighting Fires And Working In The Business” To “Focusing On Strategy And Working On The Business”...with a flywheel growth approach called The Law Firm Growth Machine.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll show you a way to implement a simple set of systems into your firm in just 30 days – designed to help you grow with more certainty, more profit, and less stress.

The Law Firm Growth Machine Book Summary

(Retail Value: $10.99)

Get The “Crib Notes” For The Book And, Discover Everything You Need To Know About Implementing Your New Growth Systems At A Glance.

The Book Summary is designed to help with rapid implementation of the strategy you’ll read about inside of The Law Firm Growth Machine.

To help you start seeing results as quickly as possible, I’m including it with the book today!

Free Audiobook of The Law Firm Growth Machine

(Retail Value: $15.95)

Prefer to listen to your books? Get the audiobook of The Law Firm Growth Machine included for free and listen on any device, no matter where you are.

PLUS: Get Access to the Digital Pack Right Now for Just $9.95

And Get These Five Bonuses For FREE…

BONUS # 1 (Retail Value: $19.99)

The Law Firm Growth Scorecard

Pinpoint Exactly Where To Prioritize Your Efforts For Faster Growth.

A big source of frustration for law firm owners is knowing that you need to make some changes in your firm…but not knowing where to even start.

That’s why we’re also including this “Growth Scorecard” for free alongside your copy of the book.

It takes just 15 minutes to go through, yet will help you identify exactly what needs fixing in your firm, as well as what strengths you can double down on to accelerate your growth!

BONUS # 2 (Retail Value: $29.99)

The Law Firm Survival Guide: 5 Actions Resilient Firms Take During a Recession

Discover How To Create Stability And Predictability In Your Firm – No Matter What The Wider Market Does.

Rising competition in the legal industry coupled with challenging economic conditions add to the stresses of being a law firm owner.

If you want to create stability and predictably amidst uncertain times, there are 5 things you must do in your firm right now.

We’ve put them into this handy PDF guide, included at no cost with your order today.

BONUS # 3 (Retail Value: $49.99)

The Ultimate Chatbot Blueprint

Ensure That No New Lead Goes Uncaptured With This Plug-&-Play Chatbot Template.

Even a couple of hours difference in response time can mean the difference between a client hiring your firm…and that same client taking their business down the road. But that doesn’t mean you have to sit by your phone 24/7.

Instead, you can use a chatbot to provide that first point of contact for your clients on a completely hands-off basis, even outside of business hours.

Use this Chatbot blueprint to set yours up, even if you’re not super tech-savvy!

BONUS # 4 (Retail Value: $39.99)

5-Star Review Scripts

How To Turn Your Best Clients Into Your Most Reliable Source Of New Business.

A 5-star review can be worth its weight in gold. But not every 5-star review is made equally.

Want to see how to generate reviews that practically sell potential clients on your firm for you? Simply send out this exact review script to past and current clients.

BONUS # 5 (Retail Value: $19.99)

From Goals to Reality - Track Your Growth with Ease

Reverse-Engineer Your Steps To Growth With This Interactive Spreadsheet.

Your numbers are more than just figures to see the health of your firm at a glance.

They’re your lifeline. They’re your early warning system. They’re your magnifying glass for finding high-growth opportunities that you might not have otherwise seen.

But numbers can also be difficult to keep track of. That’s why we want to give you our personal spreadsheet for doing exactly that. Simply plug in your numbers, and use it to reverse-engineer the growth you’d like to see in your firm.

To Recap,

Your Digital Pack Of The Law Firm Growth Machine Includes

  • Digital Copy of “The Law Firm Growth Machine (VALUE: $15.95)

  • The Law Firm Growth Machine” Book Summary (VALUE: $10.99)

  • AudioBook Of The Law Firm Growth Machine (VALUE: $15.95)

  • BONUS #1: The Law Firm Growth Scorecard (VALUE: $19.99)

  • BONUS #2: The Law Firm Survival Guide: 5 Actions Resilient Firms Take During a Recession (PDF Guide) (VALUE: $29.99)

  • BONUS #3: The Ultimate Chatbot Blueprint (VALUE: $49.99)

  • BONUS #4: 5-Star Review Scripts (VALUE: $39.99)

  • BONUS #5: From Goals to Reality - Track Your Growth with Ease With This Interactive Spreadsheet (VALUE: $19.99)

  • 365-Day Money Back Guarantee


Get Everything Here For Just $9.95

Yes! I Want This!

Choose your copy!

Buy Paperback Copy

When you order get your physical copy, you'll get instant access to the Book Summary, Audiobook and all 5 amazing bonuses.

  • BONUS #1: The Law Firm Growth Scorecard

  • BONUS #2: The Law Firm Survival Guide: 5 Actions Resilient Firms Take During a Recession

  • BONUS #3: The Ultimate Chatbot Blueprint

  • BONUS #4: 5-Star Review Scripts

  • BONUS #5: From Goals to Reality Spreadsheet

Buy Digital Copy

When you order get your digital copy for just $9.95, you'll get instant access to the Digital Book, Book Summary, Audiobook and all 5 amazing bonuses.

  • BONUS #1: The Law Firm Growth Scorecard

  • BONUS #2: The Law Firm Survival Guide: 5 Actions Resilient Firms Take During a Recession

  • BONUS #3: The Ultimate Chatbot Blueprint

  • BONUS #4: 5-Star Review Scripts

  • BONUS #5: From Goals to Reality Spreadsheet

Why Are We Giving Away Over $200 Worth Of Resources For Less Than $10?

The reason is simple:

We know that a percentage of readers will read the book, then decide that they want help and choose to hire our team to implement this for them.

We typically get them better results, faster, compared to doing it alone.

But working with us is totally optional.

Since we’ve laid out our entire method inside the book, you can still get great results if you decide to implement this process on your own.

But giving this information away for just $9.95 allows you the opportunity to “test drive” our methods and see if they work for your firm.

In doing so, I’m hoping that you’re so impressed with the book, the method, and the results you get using it that you decide to continue working with my team and I.

Or not. The choice is yours.

Either way, you’ll get over $200 worth of resources to help you build your law firm with less guesswork when you purchase access to The Law Firm Growth Machine on this page.

Your 365-Day Guarantee

I guarantee you’ll find this book (and the bonuses) incredibly helpful.

And if nothing I share with you makes it easier, simpler, and more predictable to grow your law firm, then you have one whole year to claim a refund.

All you have to do is send an email to

Sound fair?

One Last Thing: Don’t Wait Until Your Next Trial Is Over – Start Now.

You’re busy, and I totally understand that.

I get that this might seem like a lot to do when you already have tons of other stuff like cases, admin, and plain old family life, and trying to recover outside of your practice…

That’s why we’ve packaged this strategy into a process that can be implemented as quickly, easily, and hassle-free as possible.

Even if you don’t have a huge team.

Even if you don’t have a huge budget to just “pay for things to get done.”

And even if you don’t think you can find even one more spare hour in the day.

If you put into action what is in this book, I’m confident that your firm will accelerate its growth.

We’ll give you the strategy, but whether that happens 30 days or 30 months from now…that’s completely up to you. Ball’s in your court!

About The Author

Kerri Coby-White has been serving the legal industry in growth and business development for more than a decade, merging her consulting firm with that of James Brooks and forming KerriJames, LLC in 2019. As CEO of KerriJames, Kerri speaks on the value of data and technology in achieving next-level growth.

It is her personal belief that strategy-driven systems can provide firms with the intelligence that enables them to compete amidst a host of challenges and do the important work of seeking justice, supporting clients, and growing organizations that serve their communities.

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